Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012

It's been over a week since we last posted, but we are still making progress.  Take a look.

Our shower unit for the downstairs bathroom arrived early last week.

3/4 bathroom downstairs, framed

Jay removing our front entry door to get the shower unit through.  (I think he's starting to be a pro at this job.)

Installing framing for the pedestal sink.

We have new lights and switches for the entry and hallway.  Thanks Mark!

Doesn't look like much, but SOOO nice!  When you go without, that's when you appreciate the simple things like this!

Mark Gantner hard at work.

This is our closet in the upstairs bathroom.  Jay framed a shelf towards the bottom to  cover the dryer vent.

Light switches, not quite finished yet, but they are there!  We are actually going to have ceiling lights!!  Now I'm starting to sound as old as my house!


(Picture taken in the downstairs bathroom. ) Chris installed a heat duct for the upstairs bathroom, as you can see  in the center of the picture.  Also, as you can see, our shower unit is here! (2nd unit, that is.....Chris didn't like the first one.  Jay said he's so

Additional framing under the kitchen to support the load. (You can see where the chimney used to be where the joists are cut out.)

SURPRISE!!  Wall buckled from jacking up the floor.  Guess we will be working in the kitchen after all.

Hoping this week is productive!

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